- The Middletown Chamber of Commerce is born and has approximately 500 members. The first task of The Chamber was to coordinate Middletown's resources to aid in the winning The Great War.
- The Middletown Chamber of Commerce becomes The Middletown Civic Association in an effort to more closely align itself with community objectives.
- The Bureau of Commerce breaks away from the Civic Association to form Middletown's second chamber of commerce, the organization we know today.
- The Retail Merchants Association and Industrial Council are absorbed by The Chamber.
- Renamed as the Middletown Area Chamber of Commerce. The first major project is to establish the local campus of Miami University.
- The Middletown Area Chamber of Commerce merges with the Monroe and Trenton Chambers to become the Mid-Miami Valley Chamber of Commerce.
- Renamed as The Chamber of Commerce serving Middletown, Monroe and Trenton.