- Increase communications and collaboration between businesses and education institutions
- Close the knowledge gap between businesses and education
The initiatives under this Task Force:
- The Future Ready Skill Set - a skill set developed by manufacturing and healthcare members that identifies the skills they need in a future workforce.
- Passport To Tomorrow - the six-year strategic plan of Middletown City Schools that brings The Future Ready Skill Set to life in the classroom. A collaboration that is building the next generation workforce.
- CareerCoach - assisting students with finding their path via their interests and skill set.
- Skills2Careers - helping students/job candidates identify their skill set and matching that skill set with employers who need those skills.
- Designing Your Future - a digital advertorial designed to introduce students/individuals to our local employers who are endorsing the Passport To Tomorrow initiative.
- The Workforce Institute - a collaboration for the purpose of better understanding between business and education. Educators are given tours of (mfg. and healthcare) facilities to learn the skills needed to obtain entry-level employment. A "pilot" program began this September with the Passport To Tomorrow educators at Middletown City School District. We are looking to expand the program next school year.